
So why your message and who´s buying?

Originally uploaded by javierespinoza.

Who manipulates the message? What is the dynamic of the journalistic message? Who controls us? Who has the power and why?

Ramón Reig, spanish professor and journalists, writes that the information discourse creates possitive or negative elements, according to the interets of power trying to manufacture a reality in the minds of the people.

A "must-read" if one is interested in the realms of journalism and mass communication. The saying: "Information is power" really comes to life with the examples in the book. In a way, this idea can be extended to daily reality. There is always an interest behind our message. We communicate to generate a reaction not for the sole purpose of stating an idea.

Groups of journalists certainly know this. They are sending the message. But why and to what aim?


Hello. Write your comments or ideas to jespinoza@gmail.com Posted by Hello


blur naked

van gogh museum
Originally uploaded by javierespinoza.

This is a clandestine picture taken in the Van Gogh Museum in Amsterdam last weekend. I could not leave the place without having my picture. Just as you are admiring the art, there are live nudes as well. I huge lady was lying on top a pedestal. People were concerned with her presence. I avoided eye contact. I think she wanted to eat me!! haha


Join the network

Originally uploaded by javierespinoza.

A blog dedicated to provide useful information for journalists in the five continents. You are welcome to join the network.